Vol. 2 No.53 April 2, 2000

"While we may not be able to do everything, we can and must do something!"

Mr. Bill Honored at Ricks College

After two years of protest by our Mr. Bill, he finally allowed Ricks College to award him their Annual Business Leader of the Year 2000 award during their annual business summit. Mary and Sarah drove with the Parents to Rexburg, where they lent moral support during a very sweet program in which a surprise video was shown highlighting Dear Dad's life as not only a businessman but a family man and generally great person. Dad gave a terrific address to the student body, after which the Parents put on a panel discussion during a 45 minute question-answer period before assembled business students. He was the guest of honor that evening at a banquet and we came away very glad to have spent the day among the fine people from Ricks!

Allison Delivers

We officially welcome our fourth grandchild, the delightful little JohnWilson Allred (aka Jack), who was born March 17 weighing in at 8#10 oz, to our dear daughter Allison. Jack bears the name of Grandma Helen Benac's father and shares his nickname as well! William and Sam are shown welcoming the newcomer to the Allred Clan.

Boarding with Billy

Billy and John impressed all with their dashing snowboard acumen!

What a great week we had over spring break in Crested Butte, CO, where Mom, John, Caroline and Billy skied and snowboarded ourselves silly while waiting for our Dear Dad to join us from his hectic travel schedule. He finally appeared in time to get in a half day on the slopes, and we finished the weekend with a delightful mini reunion of the snow-loving Fam!

Wildlife and Baby Showers

After the visit to Rexburg, the Editor, Mary and Sarah headed for the Gros Ventre River bottom where they undertook a 40 mile snowmobile wildlife tour. What FUN that was! Seeing those huge herds of elk made them wonder if they might really be on an African safari, Jackson Hole style! The Editor could hardly steer her snowmobile once she got a good view of the Tetons in front of her, so choked up and teary was she at the stunning beauty of the Wyoming landscape!

Sarah, the Editor and Mary take a break.

After a rugged tour over the melting trail, the three Benac Women headed for Provo, where Mary and Catherine's friends and roomies put on a wonderful baby shower in honor of the soon-to arrive Emma Grace Morphis, who was outfitted handsomely by the assembled crowd, which included our Dear Auntie Anne and daughter Julie Chambers, and of course our dear friends the Bertrands: Lauri and Sarah, shown here with our Catherine, Sarah and Mary at the lovely tea party held in Grace's honor!

Bethany Finds Peace

It appears that our dear Bethany, who has spent the last few months living in a former embassy house near Hyde Park at BYU's London Center, has finally found the peace she so devoutly desired. In the latest batch of photos sent home, we found this shot of her in the lotus position, looking very mellow indeed. We rejoice with you, Beth, and forward to welcoming you back home to Dallas on April 18th! We'll keep the light on for you!

Official Portrait of the Benac Men

We are proud to present the official Year 2000 portrait of our most handsome and charming Benac Men, here gathered in front of a mural at the Denver airport that makes it appear as if they were standing in a field of flowers. And how fitting indeed for this he-bouquet of great men of the Fam. You will probably want to cut this one out and attach it to your fridges!

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