Vol. 2 No. 58 September 24, 2000

"O man, forgive thy mortal foe, Nor ever strike him blow for blow; For all the souls on earth that live, To be forgiven must forgive. Forgive him seventy times and seven; For all the blessed souls in heaven Are both forgivers and forgiven." Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Homecoming Weekend Brings Crowd

Andrew Dempsey, Charles Vestal and John show off the flowers with with they will woo their ladies on Homecoming Night

It was Homecoming Weekend for Highland Park HS, and our John welcomed friend Andrew Dempsey, who flew out from California to stay the weekend and join in the high school fling. After a rocking dance and a dinner with their dates, John and about 100 of his closest friends from school descended on the Benac Manse for a post-Homecoming party that lasted far into the night. Bouncing on an inflated bouncing gym set up in the front yard, swimming in the heated pool in the finally-cool evening, and running breathlessly in and out of the sauna, the tons of teens had a great and wholesome night's activity for which many gave thanks to their sole chaperone, the Wonderful Mr. Bill!

Concert Weekend Attracts Older Benacs

Our Bill Jr, and Mary flew in from the Bay Area and DC respectively for a TITAS concert presentation of the Cuban musicians, the Buena Vista Social Club. Thursday night. Bill brought along two delightul friends, Anna Rowland and Emily Cox from his Stanford Ward, who added wonderfully to the mix of folks staying at the house. The following day, the group took off for Lake Texoma,

Mary, William Allred, Caroline, Anna, Bill Jr, Emily and Mr. Bill gearing up for an evening ride

where we spent a day raving around the water, the night chatting under the stars, and the following day visiting the Dallas World Aquarium, where the Editor launched into her now hackneyed howler monkey calls, which brought the beasts of the jungle to attention and soon had them filling the place with their ear-piercing roars. (Mary and Bill have learned not to be embarrassed about this-what amazing coping skills!)

Bill shows Anna one of the photo albums on board Halftime

Catherine's House on the Block

Catherine and Matt were surprised to have a bid on a house accepted which leaves them scrambling to sell their house in Provo within the next month and a half. As a member of the Salt Lake City Sherrif's department, Matt had the opportunity to buy a house in a downtown Salt Lake neighborhood for half the going price, and the couple decided this would be a great money-making opportunity. Their Provo house is now on the market and they are looking forward to the fix-up which will begin the instant they set foot in the more spacious Salt Lake abode. Catherine is just the person to undertake this task, as her decorating skills are formidable. We look forward to visiting them next time we're in Salt Lake!

Ashley Hangs in There

During our last trip to the Texoma, it was decided not to push our little ageing pup to take her usual jet ski ride, as she had banged up her leg trying to jump into the car and was limping and not feeling well. We left her to laze on the beach while the rest of the gang zoomed around the lake. Imagine Mr. Bill's surprise, when upon returning to the shore, he found our little dog had swum out to where an unused jetski floated, climbed on, and was found waiting patiently for him to take her out for a spin. We salute our adventurous pup, and wish her many more summers of joy !

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