Vol. 2 No. 61 April 11, 2000

"Jerusalem was the scene of the final days of the mortal life of the Son of God. Here he suffered the agaony of Gethsamane, His arrest, His trials, His condemnation, the unspeakable pain of His death on the cross, His burial in Joseph's tomb, and the triumphant coming forth in the Resurrection. None can fully comprehend the splendor of His life, the majesty of His death, the universality of His gift to mankind. We declare with the centurion, who said at His death, "Truly this man was the Son of God." (Mark 15:39) Gordon B. Hinckley

Tea At Two Draws Benac Elders

In a rare family event, a special Tea At Two at the Dallas Arboretum was attended by the Parents and oldest daughter Allison Allred, who got a sitter for her little ones and enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea at the Camp House during a special tea event during the arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival. We enjoyed a stroll through the gardens and the giddy feeling of being able to walk from one spot to another without the sweet burden of a child in the wings. The Parents were so proud of our First, and are grateful for the wonderful example she and her husband Aaron have set for the rest of the Throng.

Bethany Moves to the Riviera

It's just amazing that every article on Bethany chronicles her move to yet another delicious locale, this time to the city of Nice on the French Riviera, where she and her fellow students from the BYU Semester Abroad program will finish up their studies of the semester. We look forward to hearing her report and seeing her pictures upon her return home next month!

Sarah and Adam Off to Great Start

We are proud to announce the happy state of affairs of the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Adam Flake, of Arlington, VA. After their marriage in December, the pair settled in Arlington where Adam decided to drop out of his program at the U of Md, and apply to law school instead. So far he's been accepted at U. Michigan, USC, UVA and is waitlisted at Harvard and U of Chicago. We know that whatever they choose, they will have a wonderful life together! They are currently enjoying life in VA and taking advantage of the wonders of that part of the country. Sarah and Mary ride to work together now that they are no longer roommates, and listen to Harry Potter tapes sent by the Editor to make their commute to work just that much more delicious!

John Off to Aspen Grove?

In what might be the worst case of senioritis ever seen in this family, our John is trudging toward completion of his last year of Highland Park HS. Having cancelled his early classes, he has a hard time making it to school by 10 am, is dreaming of starting his job as a staff member at the Aspen Grove Family Camp in Utah, following in Bethany's footsteps. From there he will begin his fall studies at BYU, living in Deseret Towers. Current dream? Earn enough for a motorbike to ride the mountain roads once he arrives. One hitch, John dear: you have to graduate from high school before you can start that job! We're trying hard to keep him focused, but it isn't easy. He remains handsome and loveable as ever and we will truly miss him when he goes next month!

Conference Watching History Made Chez Benac

For the first time EVER, we were able to watch a broadcast of the LDS General Conference from Temple Square in Salt Lake City in our own home! The Fam celebrated by inviting the Ashurst to watch the afternoon session with us, after which we celebrated with a no-holds-barred dinner attended by the local Benacs, Ashursts, and Allred family. We remain grateful beyond measure for the proximity of so many relatives here in the area, and for the new satellite dish which makes it possible for us to receive Conference in our own home!

How They Do Grow

Our two little granddaughters continue to delight us with their sweetness and beauty! Emma Allred was the recent recipient of some lovely Chinese silk pajamas from Grandpa Bill's recent trip to China, and little Grace Morphis shows the proper garb for cruising for dust bunnies on the living room floor.

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