Vol. 2 No. 63 July 8, 2001

"To see a world in a grain of sand, And Heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour."
Auguries of Innocence,William Blake

Annie and the Editor Tour Italy

Barely a month after her return from Croatia, Annie was treated to a 17-day tour of Italy by the Editor, who signed on for the Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art tour led by her professor in the MLA program at SMU. The pair stayed in Venice, Florence and Rome and made side trips to Padua, Siena, Assisi and Pompeii. Annie filled a beautiful leatherbound, handmade sketchbook bought in Venice with beautiful drawings that left the other tour participants begging for copies, and the Ed has now stored up in her mind enough beautiful artistic visions to last through many a painful morning in the dental chair! Thanks to our kind sponsor, Daddy Bill, for underwriting this amazing journey!

Billy Boy Makes It Down Under

Our Bill Jr reports that he absolutely loves living in Australia, where he has moved into an apartment in Sydney's Neutral Bay. By a miraculous twist of fate, he has persuaded his bosses at the Bay Area firm where he works to allow him to continue in the same job at the same pay from a greatdistance. He is active in the Church down there and enjoying the pace of life among the Aussies.

John Works Summer Shift at Family Camp

John has settled happily into the mountain scene at Aspen Grove Family Camp, where he is a proud member of the dining staff at the main lodge. Surrounded by the beautiful mountains and equally beautiful young ladies who work at the camp, he finds himself in a happy phase of his young life. He went out and bought himself a motorcycle and a second helmet so he can entice the less wary among them to accompany him on occasional rides. He also spends supportive time with sister Bethany, who is attending the summer session of BYU in nearby Provo.

Sarah Paralegal

Sarah the Sweet has taken a job as a paralegal for a law firm in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Adam is settled into his first term of law school. The pair find the Ann Arbor area to be just to their liking, with plenty of attractions and friends and a very supportive church group. We do retain the hope that they will decide to eventually settle here in Texas after braving those Michigan winters. Write them at
425 Hill St. #203
Ann Arbor, MI

Mary Performs with Orchestra

Dusting off an old family violin, Mary has rekindled her musical talents and performed with a church orchestra in a rendition of Tchaikovsky's June, performing a barcarolle with elan along with several other young musicians in her congregation, all of whom dusted off their latent instrumental skills to contribute to the general air of culture in the Virginia area which they each and every one adorn. We are so glad to see our children continuing to enjoy their musical training and make it a part of their adult lives!

Catherine and Matt Move into New Digs

Taking a shockingly dilapidated old home in Salt Lake to new heights of charm, Catherine and Matt have elbow greased themselves into a newly-remodeled, lovely place to live. A recent visit by Dad and Caroline yielded reports of the complete transformation which these two have wrought upon the structure, which they gutted and redid with lots of their own work. We begin to wonder if there is anything those Morphis's can't do! Matt continues to work himself silly as a member of the sheriff's department and a student at BYU, while Catherine has found herself a job working at home through her computer for a scheduling company and continues to chip away at her degree by attending night classes at the SLC BYU extension. Baby Grace is taking it all with equanimity, and recently celebrated her first birthday at a party attended by her Grandpa Benac, Caroline and friends of the Morphis family.

William's Heartbreak, AGAIN!

In a sorry repetition of family history, our grandson William Allred has tasted the sorrow of defeat as he tried and failed to capture the ribbon off the calf's tail at the Mesquite Rodeo earlier this month. Following in the footsteps of his frustrated Auntie Caroline, both William and Sam learned the hard way that Mick Jagger was absolutely right when he sang out the adage, "You Can't Always Get What You Wa-a-ant!" We tried to console him by suggesting that it might be fun just to be able to run around in the sawdust in the ring of the rodeo, but the words rang falsely, and do to this day....

Caroline Learns the Art of Parenting, Briefly

Caroline was the temporary care giver for a couple of fledgling blue jays brought home from the temple grounds by sister Annie, who scooped them up after their nest was destroyed. For a day and a half, Caroline learned what it is like to be a full-time, around-the-clock parent of two cheeping chatterboxes, dubbed Snoopy and Woodstock. Tied to a portable alarm clock that went off every two hours, Caroline dutifully shovelled catfood down two little gullets, woke up in the middle of the night and early in the morning till she had those telltale, parental-looking purple patches under her weary eyes. When it was decided, after some research, that Nature intends for fledgling jays to be brought to maturity by their parents on the ground, and Annie contributed the extra information that the parents had indeed been caring for them at the time of their removal, it was decided, and without much regret, to return them to Nature's care in hopes that Mom and Dad Jay would welcome them back with open wings.

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